Tellico Village is a community where older adults enjoy an active lifestyle. Tellico Village pickleball has a particularly strong following. This post will cover the vibrant world of pickleball in Tellico Village.
Tellico Village Real Estate Market Watch
The median list price for homes in Tellico Village for June 2023 was $599,000. However, real estate trends can change over time. If you need to buy or sell a home in the Tellico Lake area, please click here to contact us.
What You Need to Know About Tellico Village Pickleball
Pickleball Basics
Pickleball combines elements of tennis, badminton, and table tennis, making it a fun and exciting sport. The courts are similar to a doubles badminton court. Pickleball uses solid paddles and perforated polymer balls. You can play in a singles or doubles format.
The Tellico Village Pickleball Club
The Tellico Village Pickleball Club is the heartbeat of pickleball in the community. It has 12 pickleball courts that cater to players of all skill levels. Players can find the facilities at the Tellico Village Wellness Center property.
This active and engaged group welcomes players of all skill levels with open arms. The club provides a supportive and friendly environment, whether a beginner or a skilled expert.
Skill Development
If you’re new to pickleball, fear not! The club offers training sessions and clinics designed specifically for beginners. The Tellico Village Pickleball Club has a range of unique learning opportunities through its Skills and Drills program. Dedicated volunteer instructors provide lessons tailored to different skill levels in this program.
The club’s website also features video resources that complement the lessons. Advanced players within the club are available to provide private coaching sessions as well.
Social Play
Socializing is an integral part of pickleball in Tellico Village. The club’s weekly schedule incorporates inter-level playing sessions. It allows players to interact with those who are slightly more advanced. For instance, players with a skill level of 2.5 can play with 3.0 players weekly.
Tournaments and Competitions
The Tellico Village Pickleball Club organizes two competitive tournaments each year. They offer friendly competition and a good time for club members. Additionally, they organize round robins within each skill level.
Equipment and Etiquette
You’ll need a pickleball paddle and a few balls to get started. Don’t worry if you don’t have your equipment yet—the club may have loaner paddles for beginners. It’s also important to familiarize yourself with the rules and etiquette of pickleball.
Ready to Have Some Pickleball Fun in Tellico Village?
Don’t miss out on the fun and camaraderie of this popular sport. Grab a paddle, head to the courts, and experience the joy of pickleball in Tellico Village!
Tellico Lake Home Team
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